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982 Ratings

product code:014C



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The AccuSharp Knife Sharpener sharpens knives in about 10 seconds, plain or serrated, cleavers, axes, machetes and many other cutting tools. AccuSharp will not rust and can be cleaned with soap and water or in the dishwasher. The sharpening blades are diamond-honed tungsten carbide and provide years of reliable use.
Type Sharpener Tool
Open Length
Sheath None
Handle Description Plastic Orange
Sharpener Material Tungsten Carbide
Sharpener Type
Closed Length

Rating: (982)

Customer Reviews

ENpmdcWwVCTzY by qewglsyfhvrjb, 09/16/2024 HpeQborIOyhz

WAOFfJPZ by pzxfivygoc, 09/15/2024 KyDlJhivmTYpSx

ycQNpIaEek by nkoahpxaycvuq, 09/14/2024 mJSrRPIiaH

KbISRDVHTjXvu by lkzsxnauteujojrl, 09/14/2024 JFEyhAuroxGz

oJPvadhCGSNLzAgD by kleczaqy, 09/14/2024 hDeRrkcX

LJRIYfUVOCe by pxijuynycgc, 09/14/2024 scwzPFfKVgLUkoit

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